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What Are the Safest Countries for Expats?

What Are the Safest Countries for Expats?


When considering a move abroad, safety is often a top priority for expats. While many factors contribute to a country's overall safety, such as political stability, crime rates, and access to healthcare, some destinations stand out as particularly secure choices for international living. In this article, we will explore some of the safest countries for expats, taking into account various aspects that contribute to a sense of security and peace of mind.


Switzerland consistently ranks as one of the safest countries in the world, making it an attractive option for expats. With its low crime rates, stable political environment, and high standard of living, Switzerland offers a secure and comfortable lifestyle for those seeking to relocate. The country's efficient healthcare system and excellent infrastructure further contribute to its appeal as a safe haven for international residents.


Japan is renowned for its low crime rates and orderly society, making it an ideal destination for expats prioritizing safety. The country's strong sense of community and respect for social norms create a secure environment where individuals can feel at ease. Additionally, Japan's advanced healthcare system and well-maintained public spaces contribute to an overall sense of well-being and security.


Canada is often praised for its welcoming attitude towards immigrants and its reputation as a peaceful, multicultural nation. With its low crime rates and stable political climate, Canada provides a safe and inclusive environment for expats from diverse backgrounds. The country's comprehensive healthcare system and high standard of living further enhance its appeal as a secure destination for international living.


Singapore is known for its strict laws and low tolerance for crime, resulting in an exceptionally safe environment for both locals and expats. The city-state's efficient governance, advanced infrastructure, and clean, well-maintained public spaces contribute to a sense of security and order. Singapore's excellent healthcare system and high standard of living make it an attractive choice for expats seeking a safe and comfortable lifestyle.

New Zealand

New Zealand's stunning natural beauty is matched by its reputation as a safe and peaceful nation. With low crime rates and a stable political environment, the country offers a secure and welcoming atmosphere for expats. New Zealand's friendly local population, coupled with its comprehensive healthcare system and high quality of life, make it an appealing choice for those prioritizing safety in their international living experience.


Iceland tops many lists as one of the safest countries in the world, thanks to its low crime rates, stable political system, and strong sense of community. The country's small population and tight-knit society contribute to a feeling of security and trust, making it an attractive option for expats seeking a safe and peaceful environment. Iceland's stunning natural landscapes and high standard of living further enhance its appeal as a secure destination for international living.


When choosing a country for international living, safety is a crucial factor for many expats. Switzerland, Japan, Canada, Singapore, New Zealand, and Iceland stand out as some of the safest destinations for those seeking a secure and comfortable lifestyle abroad. By considering factors such as crime rates, political stability, healthcare systems, and overall quality of life, expats can make informed decisions about where to build their new lives, ensuring a sense of security and peace of mind in their chosen home away from home.